"The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there" Vince Lombardi

You worked incredibly hard to earn success. Nefarious actors try every day to take that from you. Apex professionals protect your position at the mountain peak.
Apex performs comprehensive security assessments on four key security pillars: Physical, Personnel, Procedures, and Cyber.
Apex provides concrete solutions and detailed risk mitigation strategies in each of the four pillars.
Apex's critical insights - reasoned analysis applied to manage risk - are based upon decades of real world experience.

Kyle is a respected executive and security consultant who served 33 years in the government as an FBI Special Agent, U.S. Army officer and West Point graduate.
For 24 years he protected people and assets at numerous National Security Special Events (NSSEs) as an FBI senior executive serving at multiple FBI offices. He retired as Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) in the Bureau's fourth-largest field office, Miami.

"Kyle mastered security operations at the highest professional peaks in the world, from US Army Ranger school, to an operator on the FBI's elite Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), to being a senior leader in the FBI. On his path he's worked with the highest performing teams in the world – ranging from U.S. military special mission units, to 11 years on two U.S. national assets – HRT and the Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU)." Christopher Whitcomb, FBI HRT Operator retired and author.